News and events

Spectacular finish of Vip Beach Masters 2013
Nakon uzbudljivih finalnih mečeva na Vip Beach Masters turniru na Adi Ciganliji, završeno je Prvenstvo Srbije u odbojci na pesku, koje šestu godinu zaredom organizuju Odbojkaški savez Srbije i kompanija Vip mobile. Sjajnim nastupom na turnirima u čak deset gradova širom Srbije tokom prethodna dva meseca, titulu šampiona u konkurenciji muškaraca osvojili su Siniša Antonić i Marko Galešev, dok su prvo mesto u nacionalnom šampionatu kod dama zauzele Nataša Ševarika i Nina Škarić. Pored titule prvaka, najbolje ekipe su osvojile i vredne nagrade iz fonda od 11.500 evra, koji je kompanija Vip mobile obezbedila za sezonu 2013.
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Najbolja odbojka na pesku za kraj leta
Nakon uzbudljivih mečeva u kvalifikacijama i glavnom žrebu, finalni Vip Beach Masters turnir koji se održava u okviru Prvenstva Srbije u odbojci na pesku, ulazi u samu završnicu. Danas su na programu odlučujući mečevi, posle kojih će biti poznati učesnici poslednjeg dana turnira na Adi Ciganliji. Polufinalni i finalni mečevi u obe konkurencije zakazani su za subotu, 31. avgust, od 10 do 17 časova, a podršku sa tribina kolegama na pesku pružiće i muška odbojkaška reprezentacija Srbije.
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Final Vip Beach Masters tournament at Belgrade's Ada Ciganlija
After overwhelming interest in the past two years, Vip mobile and the Volleyball Federation of Serbia are again organizing the Vip Beach Masters free school of volleyball, as part of the final tournament of the Serbian Beach Volleyball Championship. The school of volleyball for children under the age of 14 at Belgrade's Ada Ciganlija, as in the years before, will be run by our famous volleyball player Vanja Grbić, and for the first time the four-day Kids Beach Volley camp has been organized as well for the most talented girls and boys from ten cities in Serbia where the Vip Beach Masters tournaments have been held.
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Final Vip Beach Masters tournament at Belgrade's Ada Ciganlija
Serbian Beach Volleyball Championship, organized for the sixth consecutive year by Vip mobile and the Volleyball Federation of Serbia, concludes with the final Vip Beach Masters tournament at Belgrade’s Ada Ciganlija, from 28th to 31st of August. After successful tournaments held in as many as nine cities in Serbia, the battle continues at the final tournament in Belgrade, where our best male and female volleyball players will compete for the title of Champion and monetary prizes from the total fund of EUR 25,000, provided by Vip mobile. In addition to fantastic matches, visitors will also have an opportunity to enjoy all-day entertainment programs, and admission will be free for the duration of the tournament.
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Vip Beach Volley League, Kraljevo: August 23-25
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Vip Beach Volley League, Temerin: August 16-18
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Vip Beach Volley League, Kanjiza: August 9-11
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Vip Beach Volley League, Veliko Gradiste, 2-4 August
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Vip Beach Volley League, Bač, July 26-28.
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Austrian duo triumphed at this year’s Novi Sad Masters tournament
After 80 extraordinary matches and top sports excitements performed in the past five days at Novi Sad's Danube river banks by 74 teams coming from 28 countries, prestigious CEV European Beach Volleyball Championships – Novi Sad Masters 2013 finished today. This tournament is organized for third consecutive year by Volleyball Federation of Serbia and Vip mobile. Championship tittle went to the best team of Strand beach, Austrian duo Alexander Horst and Clemens Doppler that bested silver medal pair Alexander Walkenhorst and Lars Flüggen of Germany in an very even finale match with 2-1 (20-22, 21-18, 18-16).
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Best European teams in the Main Draw of Novi Sad Masters tournament
After great matches in the Qualifications round, Main Draw of CEV European Beach Volleyball Championship – Novi Sad Masters 2013 got started today at Strand beach. Best 24 teams will compete for valuable world ranking points and total prize fund of EUR 25.000 provided by Vip mobile.
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Vip Beach Volley League, Užice, July 12 – 14
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Best European Beach Volleyball coming to Novi Sad again
For the fifth year in a row, Vip mobile and the Volleyball Federation of Serbia have been organizing the prestigious beach volley tournament the auspices of the European Volleyball Confederation (CEV), which will be held from July 16 to July 20 in Novi Sad.
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Arandjelovac was a host of third Vib Beach Volley League tournament
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Vip Beach Volley League, Bačka Palanka, June 28-30
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Vip Beach Volley League, Novi Sad, 21. – 23. jun
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The Biggest Vip Beach Masters to Date
Vip mobile and the Serbian Volleyball Federation announced today Vip Beach Masters 2013 - Serbian Beach Volleyball Championship which will be held in as many as ten Serbian cities this summer. Beach volleyball fans will have the opportunity to watch excellent matches in Novi Sad, Bačka Palanka, Užice, Aranđelovac, Bač, Veliko Gradiše, Kanjiža, Temerin, Kraljevo and Belgrade.
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