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New Vip Beach Masters 2011 Champions announced

Serbian championship in beach volleyball Vip Beach Masters 2011, organized by Vip mobile and Volleyball Federation of Serbia, has finished today with the final matches at Ada Ciganlija. Winners of tournament in Belgrade are teams Igor Tešić/Igor Basta in men's and Ivana Isailović/Milena Matić in women's competition. They won trophies and prizes of EUR 1.400 and EUR 1.100 respectively. Both winning teams gained the highest number of points on both tournaments in Kragujevac and Novi Sad and thus won the title of the Serbian Champions and additional prizes of EUR 1.500 per team. Ivana Isailović was proclaimed Queen of the Beach, while the title of King of the Beach went to Stefan Basta.

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Belgrade kids thrilled by Vip Beach Masters volleyball school

Vip Beach Masters volleyball school for children aged 14 and older was held during Vip Beach Masters – Serbian Championship in beach volleyball, from August 25-28, at Begrade’s Ada Ciganlija. As for the tournaments in Kragujevac and CEV European Championship in beach volleyball in Novi Sad, the youngest have shown exceptional interest in learning basis of this sport from our famous volleyball player Vanja Grbic.

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The first classes of Vip Beach Masters volleyball school were held

classes during the final tournament of Vip Beach Masters – Serbian Championship in beach volleyball, at Begrade’s Ada Ciganlija. On the first day more than 100 children up to age of 14 have had a chance to learn the basic technics of this sport from our famous volleyball player Vanja Grbic.

“Children are fantastic. It gives me great satisfaction that little ones are here in such a large number as in Kragujevac and Novi Sad. I hope that we will have a great time during this weekend. My wish is to learn and socialize with them and in that way promote the sport spirit of the children. And who knows, maybe we will be able to discover some talented children who will one day represent our country at the global beach volleyball scene“ said Vanja Grbic, Vice President of Volleyball Federation of Serbia.

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Exciting matches marked the beginning of the final tournament of Vip Beach Masters 2011

Final tournament of Vip Beach Masters – Serbian Championship in beach volleyball, organized by Vip mobile and Volleyball Federation of Serbia, has started with the qualifying matches in the men's and women’s competition, which were held yesterday and this morning, at the Belgrade’s Ada Ciganlija. Main tournament matches are scheduled for today and Saturday. On Sunday, 28th August, visitors will be able to watch exciting semifinal and final matches.

Teams which scored the highest number of points in tournament held in Kragujevac and which score the highest number of points in the final tournament in Belgrade will compete for the title of Serbian Beach Volleyball Champions. Jovan Markovic and Dejan Jovic, the winners of Kragujevac tournament are the highest ranked team with 50 points, followed by Nemanja Vidic and Miljan Kikovic with 42 points and Stefan Basta and Igor Tesic with 34 points. Ivana Isailovic and Milena Matic are the highest ranked team in the women's qualification with 25 points, followed by Natasa Sevarika and Jelena Blagojevic with 20 points and Nina Skaric and Vanja Matic with 18 points.

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Finale turnira Vip Beach Masters 2011 na beogradskoj Adi Ciganliji

Prvenstvo Srbije u odbojci na pesku, koje četvrtu godinu zaredom organizuju kompanija Vip mobile i Odbojkaški savez Srbije, završava se finalnim turnirom na beogradskoj Adi Ciganiji, od 25. do 28 avgusta. Najbolji muški i ženski timovi boriće se za titulu šampiona Srbije u odbojci na pesku i vredne nagrade iz ukupnog fonda od 13.000 evra, koji obezbeđuje Vip mobile. Ulaz na sve mečeve je slobodan.
Odbojkaška sezona počela je sjajnim turnirom prvenstva Srbije u Kragujevcu u junu, nakon čega je Novi Sad u julu bio domaćin prestižnog CEV Evropskog prvenstva u odbojci na pesku – Masters Srbija 2011. Na finalni turnir na beogradskoj Adi Ciganliji prijavilo se 45 muških i 14 ženskih ekipa, od kojih su 4 inostrane ekipe. Kod muškaraca po jedna ekipa dolazi iz Turske i Rumunije, a kod žena po jedna ekipa iz Bugarske i Makedonije, što svedoči o velikom interesovanju i značaju Vip Beach Mastersa - Prvenstva Srbije u odbojci na pesku. U glavnom turniru učestvuje 16 muških i 8 ženskih timova koji prođu kvalifikacije.

U Beogradu će se za šampionsku titulu i nagradu od 1.500 evra nadmetati timovi sa najviše sakupljenih bodova u generalnom plasmanu na turniru održanom u Kragujevcu i finalnom turniru u Beogradu. Vodeći tim na tabeli u muškoj konkurenciji su pobednici turnira u Kragujevcu, Jovan Marković i Dejan Jović sa 50 bodova, za kojima slede Nemanja Vidić i Miljan Kiković sa 42 boda, kao i Stefan Basta i Igor Tešić sa 34 boda. U ženskoj konkurenciji na šampionsku titulu pretenduju Ivana Isailović i Milena Matić sa 25 bodova, na drugoj poziciji su Nataša Ševarika i Jelena Blagojević sa 20 bodova, dok treću poziciju sa 18 bodova zauzimaju Nina Škarić i Vanja Matić.

Kvalifikacioni mečevi u muškoj konkurenciji biće na programu u četvrtak, 25. avgusta, dok će se mečevi glavnog turnira, uz učešće 16 muških ekipa, igrati u petak 26. avgusta. Kvalifikacije za devojke su na programu u petak, a glavni turnir u kom će učestvovati 8 ženskih ekipa, na programu je u subotu 27. avgusta. Polufinalni i finalni mečevi će biti održani u nedelju 28. avgusta, od 10 do 17 časova, nakon kojih će, na svečnoj ceremonji, biti proglašeni šampioni i šampionke Srbije u odbojci na pesku. Organizatori su za publiku obezbedili celodnevnu zabavu, pa će atraktivni mečevi biti upotpunjeni sjajnim pratećim programom nastupima igračica na pesku, najnovijim muzičkim hitovima i mnogobrojnim nagradnim igrama.

Ove godine prvi put je organizovana Vip Beach Masters škola odbojke, na kojoj deca do 14 godina uče osnove odbojke na pesku od našeg proslavljenog odbojkaša Vanje Grbića. Kroz školu odbojke u Kragujevcu i Novom Sadu do sada je prošlo više od 700 mališana, a ona se nastavlja i na turniru u Beogradu, u petak 26. i subotu 27. avgusta od 17 do 18 časova, kao i u nedelju 28. avgusta od 16,30 časova na glavnom terenu. Velika najava škole odbojke u Beogradu održaće se u subotu, 27. avgusta od 12 do 13 časova u Vipovom prodajnom mestu u Knez Mihailovoj 9, kada će Vanja Grbić svim posetiocima potpisati lopte i fotografisati se sa njima.

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Prestigious 2011 CEV Beach Volleyball European Championship in beach volleyball organized by Vip mobile and the Volleyball Federation of Serbia finished

The last four days 70 teams from 28 countries fought for the title of champion, score ranking and attractive prize fund of EUR 50,000. Norwegians Iver Andreas Horrem and Oivind Hordvik won gold.
Novi Sad, July 17, 2011 – Prestigious 2011 CEV Beach Volleyball European Championship - Masters Serbia, one of the most important European tournaments in beach volleyball, was terminated today in Novi Sad. The title of champions and the best among aces of beach volleyball went to Iver Andreas Horrem and Oivind Hordvik of Norway, who won golden cup, medals and prize money of EUR 10.000. In fantastic final game they defeated Selçuk Sekerci and Volkan Gögtepe from Turkey with a result 2:1 (21-17, 14-21, 16-14). Second placed Turks were awarded with EUR 7.500, while the bronze team Ward Coucke and Tom van Walle got prize money of EUR 5.250. They defeated Austrians Alexander Huber and Robin Seidl 2:0 (21-17, 21-14). Winners travel back home with 600 CEV/160 FIVB ranking points, second placed with 540 CEV/144 FIVB ranking points and the third placed with 480 CEV/128 FIVB points respectively.

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Vip Beach Masters volleyball school in Novi Sad finished

One more volleyball school for the youngest visitors of European Championship in beach volleyball was finished successfully. Beside tournaments in Novi Sad and Kragujevac, Vip Beach Masters volleyball school will be also organized on contest in Belgrade.

Novi Sad, July 17, 2011 – More than 400 youngest visitors of European Championship in beach volleyball – Masters Serbia 2011 have successfully went through the three-day Vip Beach Masters volleyball school which was organized in Novi Sad. On the sandy court of Strand beach, our famous volleyball player Vanja Grbic was showing the basics of beach volleyball and together with professional volleyball players, European Championship competitors, was teaching children how to serve, rise and receive the ball.

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Best 16 European teams compete on Day two of Main draw

After competition of 24 teams on Day one of the Main Draw (16 teams as direct participants and 8 teams that passed qualifications), the best 16 teams move on to the Day two.

The only Serbian representatives in Day two, winners of the Vip Beach Masters in Kragujevac
Jovan Marković and Dejan Jović, were unfortunately eliminated from further competition after being defeated by Polish duo Wojtasik/Szternel 1:2 (21-19, 23-25, 9-15). They passed to the Day two after yesterdays’ victory over another host team Basta/Tešić in a very even match of repassage where both parties struggled until the last point 2:1 (23-21, 18-21, 15-13).

Stefan Basta and Igor Tešić from Novi Sad showed great play yesterday against Russian team Romashkin/Khudyakov, but were defeated 2:1 (23-21, 18-21, 15-13) which, along with defeat from Markovic and Jovic, eliminated them from the tournament. The third host team Nenad Tatić-Nikola Galetin was beaten twice, first from Czech duo Kufa R.-Rotrekl 0:2 (14-21, 13-21) and then from later Smedins-Caics of Latvia and also left the competition.

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Vanja Grbić održao prve časove za mališane

Nakon Kragujevca, Vip Beach Masters škola odbojke na pesku nastavlja se i u Novom Sadu. Školu mogu da pohađaju najmlađi posetioci novosadskog turnira, bez obzira na odbojkaško iskustvo.

Vip Beach Masters škola odbojke nastavlja se i na Evropskom prvenstvu u odbojci na pesku - Masters Srbija 2011 koje se ovog vikenda održava u Novom Sadu. Naš proslavljeni odbojkaš Vanja Grbić danas je održao prve časove, na kojima je prisustvovalo više od 90 dece. Najmlađe ljubitelje bičvoleja Vanja je učio tehnikama kretanja po terenu, serviranja i pomagao im da razviju sopstvene potencijale za ovaj olimpijski sport.

“Mališani su fantastični. Veliko mi je zadovoljstvo što su u ovolikom broju došli da se bave ovim zabavnim sportom i nadam se da ćemo se lepo družiti i za vikend. Novi Sad je poznat po tome da je kolevka srpske odbojke I moja je želja da kroz učenje i druženje sa decom zajedno pronađemo skrivene talente, koji će u budućnosti predstavljati našu zemlju na svetskim i evropskim prvenstvima”, rekao je Vanja Grbić, potpredsednik Odbojkaškog saveza Srbije.

Vip Beach Masters školu odbojke na pesku moći će da prođu svi posetioci Evropskog prvenstva starosti do 14 godina, bez obzira na to da li imaju nekog odbojkaškog iskustva ili ne. Za školu nije potrebno prijavljivanje, već samo da deca dođu na terene na plaži Štrand u subotu, 16. jula od 17 do 18 časova, kao i u nedelju 17. jula od 14 do 15 časova.

Velika najava škole odbojke u Novom Sadu održaće se u subotu, 16. jula od 12 do 13 časova u Vipovom prodajnom mestu u Zmaj Jovinoj 16, a tom prilikom Vanja Grbić će svim posetiocima potpisati lopte i fotografisati se sa njima.

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24 teams in the Main draw of Serbian Masters

After 22 matches played yesterday between 30 teams on 2 courts within single elimination system, 8 teams from Belgium, Latvia, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine and Czech Republic qualified for the Main torunament that started today. Host team Antonic-Maric was eliminated from the tournament after being defeated by Frankart-Verschueren of Belgium 1-2 (11-21, 21-17, 8-15). Together with Belgium duo Frankart-Verschueren, other teams that made it to the Main draw are Coucke-van Walle also from Belgium, Smedins-Caics of Latvia, CEV Challenger champions in Novi Sad in the last two years, Medyanyk-Ostapenko of Ukraine, Giginoglu-Sahin of Turkey, Romashkin-Hudyakov of Russia as well as Dumek-Tichy and Kufa, R.-Rotrekl, both from the Czech Republic.

A total of 24 matches are being played from 8,30 a.m. today in a 24 teams’ double elimination system on two courts. Host team Marković-Jovic was unfortunately defeated by Dutch team Stiekema-Varenhorts 2:0 (21-17, 21-13), as well as other host team Tatić-Galetin who lost from Czech duo Kufa R.-Rotrekl 0:2 (14-21, 13-21). In a very exciting match in front of numerous audience, third host team Basta-Tesić originaly from Novi Sad, faught againts Russian team Romashkin-Hudyakov, but Russians were slightly better 1-2 (12-21, 21-17, 14-16). All three teams will seek for their second changes in a repassage matches today afternoon, when Tatić-Galetin will meet Smedins-Caics of Latvia, while Marković-Jović and Basta-Tesić will measure power againts each other. From 16 teams that directly entered the Main draw, Norway duo Horrem-Hordvick is the best ranked team with 328 points, followed by their compatriots Hoidalen-Eithun (316 points) and the Swiss Gabathuler-Schnider (300 points).
The main tournament will be closed on Sunday afternoon after semi-final and final matches, announcement of winners and delivery of grand trophy and money prizes. Winners will receive golden cup, medals and cheque of EUR 10.000, silver team will be awarded with EUR 7.500 evra, while bronze team will get EUR 5.250.

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Exciting qualification matches at the opening of Serbian Masters 2011

2011 CEV Beach Volleyball European Championship – Serbian Masters, one of the most prestigious tournaments of the European Volleyball Confederation in Beach Volleyball for men started yesterday in the organisation of Vip mobile and the Volleyball Federation of Serbia. Excellent matches on the sand courts on Strand beach marked the beginning of the tournament that will host the best beach volleyball players from Europe in Novi Sad until Sunday, July 17th. Entrance for all matches is free.

As many as 70 teams from 28 European countries (Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, France, Greece, The Netherlands, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Hungary, Germany, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Spain and Switzerland) applied for participation in this tournament. This fact speaks of great interest of competitors for the tournament and exciting matches that await the audience in Novi Sad. Due to a great number of registered teams, the back-up list of over 20 teams has been made.

Total of 6 teams from Austria, the Netherlands and Ukraine competed yesterday for the placement in the qualifications through the Country Quota, while Hupfer-Moser (Austria), Vismans S.-van Laanen (Netherlands) and Medyanyk-Ostapenk (Ukraine) made it to qualifications. Competition continued today at 8 a.m. with qualification matches on 2 courts under single elimination system. Total of 22 matches will be played by 22 teams. Unfortunately, Serbian team Sinisa Antonic/Goran Maric will not continue competition after being defeated by Frankart-Verschueren of Belgium (11-21, 21-17, 8-15). The best eight teams will have a chance to compete in the Main tourunament for placement and ranking points on the lists of the Confederation of European Volleyball (CEV) and the Federation Internationale de Volleyball (FIVB) and for a tempting Prize Money worth of as much as EUR 50,000!

Total of 24 teams will participate in the Main tournament that is scheduled for tomorrow (Friday). Based on rankings on the CEV and IFVB lists, 16 teams will directly participate in the Main Draw, including three teams from Serbia (Stefan Basta/ Igor Tesic, Jovan Markovic/Dejan Jovic and Nenad Tatic/Nikola Galetin). The best ranked host team on CEV list is Basta-Tesic with 75 points that won 7th place at CEV Satellite in Constanca last week.
The main tournament will be closed on Sunday afternoon after semi-final and final matches, announcement of winners and delivery of grand trophy and money prizes. Apart from top-quality volleyball on the Strand beach in Novi Sad, visitors can also expect great animation program, numerous surprises and various award games.

Besides the main competition program, the youngest fans of beach volleyball will be happy to hear that our famous Serbian volleyball player Vanja Grbic will lead Vip Beach Masters school of volleyball. All children up to the age of 14, regardless of their previous volleyball experience, can attend this school. It is not necessary to register for the school, but simply to come to the volleyball courts on the Strand beach. Vip Beach Masters school of volleyball will be held on Friday, July 15th and Saturday, July 16th from 5 to 6pm, and on Sunday, July 17th from 2 to 3pm.

For the results of the results Serbian Masters please visit

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Novi Sad to host 2011CEV Beach Volleyball European Championship - Masters Serbia next weekend

After opening of new beach volleyball season with Vip Beach Masters tournament in Kragujevac, in organization of Vip mobile and the Volleyball Federation of Serbia, fans of this Olympic sport can expert 2011 CEV Beach Volleyball European Championship–Serbian Masters  mid of July in Novi Sad! Since citizens of Novi Sad were great hosts of the CEV Challenger tournaments in the previous two years, we are confident that this will be highly attractive and well-visited tournament.

From July 13th to July 17th at the Strand beach in Novi Sad, the best European male beach volleyball players will compete for placement and rankings on the lists of the CEV and the FIVB and for a prize money of as much as EUR 50,000! The interest for this competition is great and the fact that 70 teams from 28 European countries will participate just underscores it. Teams from Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belarus, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Spain, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Slovakia, Turkey, Ukraine, as well as four  teams from Serbia will take part in the tournament. Due to great number of registered teams, back-up list of more than 20 teams was formed.

The same as in Kragujevac, our famous volleyball player Vanja Grbic will lead Vip Beach Masters volleyball school for the youngest visitors of the tournament up to 14 years old, regardless of their previous volleyball experience. It is not necessary to register for the school, but simply to appear on the beach at the scheduled time.

Vip Beach Masters school will be organized on Friday, July 15th and Saturday July 16th from 5 to 6 pm and on Sunday July 17th from 2 to 3 pm. The great announcement will be held on Saturday, July 16th from 12 to 1 pm at Vip mobile center in 16 Zmaj Jovina St, when Vanja Grbic will sign balls and take a photo with fans.

Organizers of Serbian Masters 2011 have also prepared animation and fun for the whole weekend, with attractive matches followed by great performances of cheerleaders, the latest summer hits and various award games. Entrance for all matches is free.

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Winners announced at the Vip Beach Masters in Kragujevac

U sjajnoj atmosferi i prisustvu velikog broja fanova bičvoleja, koji su se okupili na terenima isped Skupštine grada, završen je prvi turnir ovogodišnjeg, četvrtog po redu Vip Beach Masters Prvenstva, koji organizuju kompanija Vip mobile i Odbojkaški savez Srbije. Pobednici turnira su Jovan Marković i Dejan Jović u muškoj, i Ivana Isailović i Milena Matić u ženskoj konkurenciji, kojima su dodeljeni trofeji i vredne novčane nagrade od 1.400, odnosno 1.100 evra.

Na turnir se prijavilo čak 55 muških i 20 ženskih ekipa, dok se u glavnom delu turnira takmičilo 16 muških i 8 ženskih timova, koji su sjajnim utakmicama oduševili brojne ljubitelje ovog popularnog letnjeg sporta. Pobednički tim u muškoj konkurenciji Jovan Marković i Dejan Jović savladao je drugoplasirani dvojac Nemanju Vidića i Miljana Kikovića rezultatom 22:20 i 21:15. Bronza je pripala timu Stefan Basta i Igor Tešić koji su u borbi za treće mesto bili bolji od Milutina Ivankovića i Bojana Mladenovića (21:16, 21:14). U finalnom meču u ženskoj konkurenciji, pobednice Ivana Isailović i Milena Matić pokazale su se spremnijim od Nataše Ševarike i Jelene Blagojević (21:18, 21:12), dok su bronzu osvojile Nina Škarić i Vanja Matić koje su savladale u napetom meču Ljiljanu Stojanović i Mirjanu Komlenović (21:16, 19:21 i 10:15).

Za odličnu atmosferu pobrinuli su se DJ, igračice na pesku, kao i već dobro poznati voditelj Galeb Nikačević, sa regionalnog programa MTV. Turnir su iz ekskluzivne VIP lože pratili i predstavnici političkog i javnog života Kragujevca i brojni gosti.

U okviru Vip Beach Masters turnira u Kragujevcu danas je završena Vip Beach Masters škola odbojke na pesku za decu, koju organizuju Vip mobile i Odbojkaški savez Srbije i koju vodi proslavljeni odbojkaš Vanja Grbić, od ove godine zvaničan promoter ovog olimpijskog sporta u Srbiji. Tokom tri dana, školu odbojke uspešno je prošlo 300 dečaka i devojčica uzrasta do 14 godina.

Na deset mini terena za odbojku na platou ispred skupštine grada, Vanja je zajedno sa profesionalnim odbojkašima i odbojkašicama, učesnicima Vip Beach Masters turnira, mališanima pokazivao osnove odbojke na pesku, uvežbavao servis, primanje i podizanje lopti i međusobno nadigravanje. Poslednjeg dana u školi su učestvovale i Vanjine ćerke Ina i Una. Po troje najboljih dečaka i devojčica izabrani su da pre finalnih mečeva razmene prve poene sa finalistima na glavnom terenu Vip Beach Masters-a u Kragujevcu pred punim tribinama.

Nakon Kragujevca, nastavak Prvenstva Srbije u odbojci na pesku igra se od 25. do 28. avgusta, na Adi Ciganliji u Beogradu. Novi Sad će imati tu čast da od 13. do 17. jula bude domaćin Evropskog prvenstva u odbojci na pesku – Masters Srbija 2011, koji će na plaži Štrand okupiti 70 najboljih muških ekipa iz 28 zemalja Evrope, u borbi za nagrade iz ukupnog fonda od čak 50.000 evra!

Ovaj značajan sportski događaj podržali su ZTE, Hypo Alpe Adria Group, Aqua Viva, EKO Srbija, DaCapo, Red Bull i gradovi Kragujevac, Novi Sad i Beograd preko svojih javnih preduzeća, a kompanija Wiener Stadtische je osigurala ceo turnir. Medijski partneri projekta su RTS, Gloria, Radio Bravo iz Kragujevca, AS radio iz Novog Sada i TDI Radio iz Beograda. Značaj Vip Beach Masters turnira za razvoj i promociju odbojke na pesku u Srbiji prepoznalo je i Ministarstvo omladine i sporta, koje je i ove godine pokrovitelj projekta.

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300 kids participated in Vip Beach Masters beach volleyball school

Within Vip Beach Masters tournament in Kragujevac, Vip Beach Masters volleyball school for children, organized by Vip mobile and the Volleyball Federation of Serbia and led by our renowned volleyball player Vanja Grbić, official promoter of this Olympic sport in Serbia, was finalized today. During three days, more than 300 boys and girls under the age of 14 successfully attended the school.

Supported by proffesional male and female volleyball players who participated at the Vip Beach Masters tournament, Vanja demostrated basic elements of beach volleyball at 10 mini volleyball courts placed in front of the City Hall. Vanja’s daughters Ina and Una also joined him the last day of school. The best three boys and girls were selected to serve before the final matches of the main Vip Beach Masters tournament.

"I am pleased to be a part of this project and to be given the opportunity to work with 300 kids in the previous three days and help them make their first steps in beach volleyball. It is very interesting sport which I would have been chosen if I hadn’t dedicate to indoor volleyball. Kids had I great time and I believe we will discover some hidden talents which will represent Serbia at the global beach volleyball scene one day", Vanja Grbic, current Vice President of Volleyball Federation of Serbia and a member of the FIVB Commission for world volleyball development said.

Vip Beach Masters volleyball school will be organized from July 13th to July 17th in Novi Sad and from August 25th to August 28th in Belgrade. All visitors of Vip Beach Masters tournaments up to 14 years old are eligible to attend the school, regardless of their previous experience in volleyball.

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Vanja Grbic held his first class at the Vip Beach Masters volleyball school

The first class of Vip Beach Masters volleyball school for children organized by Vip mobile and the Volleyball Federation of Serbia and held by Vanja Grbic, our renowned volleyball player and official promoter of this Olympic sport in Serbia was held today. More than 70 boys and girls up to 14 years old attended the class where Vanja Grbic tried to help kids discover and develop their own potentials for beach volleyball.

"I am pleased to be a part of this project and to work with kids and help them understrand beach volleyball and learn about it. It is very interesting sport, we are having a great time and I believe we will descover some hidden talents which will represent Serbia at the global beach volleyball scene one day", Vanja Grbic, current Vice President of Volleyball Federation of Serbia and a member of the FIVB Commission for world volleyball development said.

All visitors of Vip Beach Masters tournament up to 14 years old are eligible to attend the school, regardless of their previous experience in volleyball. It is not necessary to sign up for school, but simply to come to the courts in front of the City Hall. Vip Beach Masters volleyball school will be continued on Saturday, June 18th from 5 to 6 pm and Sunday, June 19th from 11 to 12 am. The best three boys and girls will have the opportunity to serve before the final matches of the main Vip Beach Masters tournament.

Great announcement of beach volleyball school in Kragujevac will be organized on Saturday, June 18th from 12 am to 1 pm at Vip mobile center in 22 Kralja Petra I St. On this occasion Vanja Grbic will sign balls and take a photo with all interested visitors.

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Exciting matches at the opening of Vip Beach Masters in Kragujevac

The first tournament of this year’s Championship in beach volleyball - Vip Beach Masters, organized by Vip mobile and the Volleyball Federation of Serbia for the fourth time in a row, started today at the beach volleyball court in front of the Kragujevac City Hall. Qualifications were played yesterday and this morning, while the main tournament in men's competition started in the noon and will continue on Saturday, June 18th and Sunday, June 19th.

Year after year, the tournament attracts increasing number of teams, making it to 55 male and 20 female teams who applied for the competition in Kragujevac this year, including two teams from Bulgaria and Bosnia and Herzegovina in the men's competition. Total of 16 male and 8 female teams who passed the qualifications compete for the champions’ title in beach volleyball and awards from the prize fund of EUR 10.000. “Queen of Beach”, Milena Matić will participate in the main tournament with Ivana Isailović, while last year champion and “King of Beach”, Davor Brčić, will try to find his place in the main tournament through qualifications, with his new partner Miloš Žumber.

This year, for the first time, Vip Beach Masters is organizing Vip Beach Masters volleyball school for the youngest fans of beach volleyball led by our famous volleyball player, Vanja Grbic, current Vice President of Volleyball Federation of Serbia and a member of the FIVB Commission for world volleyball development. First classes for boys and girls aged up to 14 are scheduled from 5 to 6 pm today, while the school will continue on Saturday, June 18th from 5 to 6 pm and on Sunday, June 19th from 11 to 12 am. The best three boys and girls will have the opportunity to serve before the final matches of the main Vip Beach Masters tournament.

Good audience turn-out at the first day of the tournament confirms that, without any doubt, there is a great number of sports fans and summer fun lovers in Kragujevac. Thanks to DJ, cheerleaders and well known TV presenter Galeb Nikačević, from regional MTV channel, citizens of Kragujevac are enjoying great atmosphere. Beside exciting matches audience is also having fun playing variety of award winning games.

Tournament ends on Sunday at 6 pm with a delivery of awards to the most successful female and male volleyball players. Three best teams will win gold, silver and bronze medals and cups, the winning male team will receive EUR 1.400, while female team will win EUR 1.100.

Media partners of the project are national broadcaster RTS, Belgrade lifestyle magazine Gloria, Radio Bravo from Kragujevac, AS radio from Novi Sad and TDI Radio from Belgrade. Once again, the project is officially supported by the Ministry of Youth and Sport, which recognized the importance of Vip Beach Masters for beach volleyball development and promotion in Serbia.

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Vip Beach Masters 2011 in Kragujevac, Novi Sad and Belgrade this summer

Vip mobile and the Volleyball Federation of Serbia announced today the launch of Vip Beach Masters 2011, the fourth Serbian Championship in beach volleyball that will be organized in Kragujevac, Novi Sad and Belgrade this summer. Our renowned volleyball player Vanja Grbić that currently holds a position of Vice-president of the Volleyball Federation of Serbia and membership in FIVB Committee for Development of Volleyball has joined the organizational team. Vanja Grbić will actively promote this Olympic sport in Serbia and act as a coach in a mini school of beach volleyball that will be organized for children during Vip Beach Masters tournaments.

The launch of the new season was marked in Belgrade’s restaurant "Monument” with attractive sand art performance of young artist Vladimir Atlagić, that was joined by Vanja Grbić who added Vip Beach Masters signature in the sand. The announcement of this year's Championship was made official by activating a clock that counts down time left to the start of the competition.

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